
Kundli is an astrological chart which shows the exact position of heavenly bodies and planets at a particular time. Janam Kundli or Horoscope is a similar astrological chart that is constructed by Vedic astrologers on the basis of the exact Birth date, Birth place, and Birth time of someone.s

The Kundli is mostly referred to as ‘Janam patrika’ or Horoscope. It would contain the details of all major astrological aspects of a person at the time of his/her birth. This chart tells the location of various zodiac signs, planet and other aspects which are considered in an astrological analysis. Kundli creation is to be only done by an expert and experienced astrologers as it is a very complex procedure and contains intricate details. Which planet makes what kind of yoga? What are the defects in the horoscope? Many such questions can be answered after analyzing one’s Kundli. Overall, the horoscope describes the condition and direction of the planets at the time of birth, on the basis of which the future of the individual is anticipated. You can check your free online kundli on this page.

As per Vedic Astrology, one's 'kundli' is the blueprint of his/her life. It would provide insights about major milestones in one's life and the time frame in which it would happen. It also bolsters the fact that everything in life happens for a reason and everything in the universe adheres to the cosmic laws of the universe. Astrology studies the connection of life on earth to the cosmos. Just like the effect of Moon on the tides and currents, our lives and emotions are being influenced by planets and heavenly bodies. A deeper look at it would reveal the scientific aspect of astrology and we would be surprised to learn how advanced a science is Vedic astrology which is being disdained and labeled as superstitious by some people nowadays. Astrology will help one to get insights and guidance about his time and fortune; of course timely and wise actions can reduce the ill effects and negative impacts and take advantage of the favorable time period. To decode these negative impacts and implications in-depth knowledge and expertise in Vedic astrology is required which will only be processed by a seasoned Vedic astrologer.

